16, Chicago, IL, USA) and results expressed as mean ±SD.
Statistical analysis was done by SPSS software (ver. gondii IgG antibody was positive in 17.14% of normal vitamin D group and 28.57% in vitamin D deficient group ( P≤0/05 (( Tables 1, ,2, 2, ,3). Some studies suggest that there is a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease severity (24, 106, 140, 148152). Average vitamin D levels were 9.9 ng/ml in deficient group and 67.23 ng/ml in normal group. The mean age of participants was 40 yr, 72% were female and 28% were male. Vitamin D levels and anti- Toxoplasma IgG antibody were checked by commercial kit (EUROIMMUN, Germany) and ELISA method respectively. Blood samples were conducted after 10 h of fasting. People taking vitamin D supplements in the last 3 months and patients with chronic diseases were excluded from the study. inflammatory bowel disease), parasitic infections, and some cancers. Vitamin D deficiency is increasing in the world ( 6) and it is estimated 70% in Iranian people ( 7).īased on this project, from the referred patients to Medical Laboratory in Kashan, Iran, 70 individuals checked for vitamin D were selected. Nutritional deficiency (e.g., iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency).

On the other hand 1, 25-(OH) 2 D can act as anti-proliferative agent in mononu-clear cells ( 5) and reduce the production of IL2 and prevention of auto-immune diseases. In addition regulation role in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, vitamin D is an immune-modulator ( 5).

Both humoral and cellular immune systems are involved in T. According to seroepidemiological studies, 18%–85% of infection is reported from different parts of Iran ( 2, 3). On day 149 post-infection, parasite loads in the infection site were evaluated by limiting dilution assay (B). What you do or don’t eat, along with certain health conditions and. (L.) amazonensis promastigotes and lesion development was followed weekly (A). Most people have healthy levels of vitamin B12. (b) Infected ears were harvested at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after infection, and parasite load was determined by limiting dilution assay. Policy recommendation: latent tuberculosis infection screening and. C57BL/6 normally fed (Ctrl) or on a Vitamin D-deficient diet (VDD) were subcutaneously infected in the footpad with 2 × 10 5 L. For vitamin D deficiency experiments, mice were fed TD.04179, a vitamin D-deficient diet (Harlan Teklad) from birth prior to mating with male mice from the same background. Toxoplasmosis the zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution is life-threatening in congenital from and in immunocompromised patients ( 1). Vitamin B12 Vitamin D, RCH CPG Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D supplements.